Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Emotions in Motion

I am an emotional person, probably an extra emotional person if the truth were told. Usually when I’m having a rather over emotional day I don’t do well with productivity. Well I found myself in a position just this very day where my surge of emotions came upon me in the middle of a writing session that had been previously moving along very slowly. Instead of giving up and losing myself in some mundane activity I found the words flowed from my fingertips more quickly with each passing moment. I hadn’t previously tried to start writing while battling what I always considered a distraction to my work. Rest assured next time I feel a flood of emotions overtaking me, I’ll pull out the laptop and start clicking away.

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Weekend Distractions

My writing for the weekend was a bust, which I suspected it might be. A distraction that I couldn't put out of my mind kept me from doing much on Saturday, but I did manage to put together some notes and suggestions for the next chapter.

I had previously planned to visit my parents on Sunday to help them with my 2 year old nephew they were babysitting over the weekend. He is such a joy! He was sitting in front of my mother's book case pulling his favorite paperbacks off the shelf. He searches the book until he finds the author's picture on the inside back cover, holds it up for all to see and says, "Stevie". He is one of the next generation readers for author Stephen King. For now he is happier hearing the words from his children's books.

Then to top off the weekend, our greyhound India had to be rushed to the hospital late last night. We were worried she had bloat, but it ended up being pancreatitis. She is now being cared for in the animal hospital and we hope for a full recovery.

I'm so hoping this week will be better.

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Saturday, February 02, 2008


I dusted off my novel in progress to begin the writing marathon that had been planned for the month of February by a few fellow writer's. Knowing they are expecting to hear of my progress each day will hopefully motivate me to actually follow through with this project. I reread the 43 pages of the new draft I started in November and then added 4 more pages to it. All while preparing a turkey dinner and whittling away at a monsterous stack of laundry. No I was not trying to test myself to see if I could potentially write on Thanksgiving day. It just so happened the turkey I had thawing in my refridgerator picked the first day of my scheduled writing marathon to say, 'ok, I'm ready, roast me now'. Normally I would have postponed my writing to take care of these Domestic Goddess duties, but instead, I opted to forego the pumpkin pie baking and pound out those 4 pages instead. This compromise was good for my writing as well as my waist-line.