Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Long Time, No Blog

Well I could list numerous excuses for why I have not posted, but what it boils down to is I've been too damn busy dealing with my emotional turmoil that has been my life for the last 15 months. As far as Alan goes on the medical front we never did go back to Geisinger, instead I insisted we be sent to Hershey. In one visit with a urologist at Hershey they discovered a problem that Alan must have had for decades. When he pees, he doesn't empty his bladder. He had no symptoms, but the doc caught it on a simple exam. He is now on Flomax and can feel a difference. The first 7 days after he took Flomax, no pain. Of course that was too good to be true, but at least now 2 months later his pain does not occur every day. The doc seems to think he will get better over time, but we are also seeing a gastro doc and have an appt in July. Hopefully by then we will be able to see if he is going to get better enough to return to work.

My garden is finally started, partially, tomatoes and peppers are in the ground. We are going much smaller this year since I can't count on any help. Alan does what he can when he can, but at least this way I can handle the garden myself if needed. My gardening has been a great source of therapy for me and I am getting better at handling the down side of this medical dilemma.


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