Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another successful day at work in the office. I finished the newsletter for the Word by Word Writer's Society and everything is almost ready to pack up and send out to the members. I did a couple of novel critiques, which means I am caught up with my critiques, but I did not manage to send out my chapters this time around. Of course, now that I am back in the saddle of my work horse, I will have a good offering for the next round.

I also received the mystery story in the mail today that I am co-writing with my friend Barb and I can't wait to work on it. She has some great ideas that have sparked ideas from me. I won't get as much time to work on it this weekend as we are getting house guests, but it will be at the top of my pile next week.

I am looking forward to the weekend, Alan's brother and his wife are coming for a visit. We always have a good time visiting with them. It will also be a nice distraction from our daily problems.


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