Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yes, I am crazy...

After years of working on my novel, set in the 17th century, trying to work past obstacles that I set myself up for. I have a vision of what I want in my novel, but having it set in the 17th century caused a couple of problems as far as how life was and how I wanted my characters' lives to be. Then while doing research yesterday I discovered the one item that kept me in the 17th century was also present in the 14th century, in a different form, but one I could work with possibly. Moving my novel to the earlier century excited me because it would make the castle life I see my characters living more accurate. But naturally it poses some other roadblocks that would require some changes in other areas that play a role in the ending and the personality of a secondary, but important character.

Why oh why? Is this just another way for me to postpone actually finishing this book? Or am I finally on to a way to make it better?

I will spend some time weighing the pros and cons of the two centuries while I research them more deeply before I make a final decision.

I really need to put this one to bed and move on to my other projects that battle for attention in my over crowded imagination.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Thank goodness there are intelligent people watching television. The choices for good entertainment in prime time television are dwindling with all the new reality shows that have oozed out of the woodwork. When I heard that a group of viewers had managed to get CBS to take a second chance with Jericho I was thrilled to say the least. Hopefully they have learned a lesson and will do away with all the winter hiatus' that make the shows disappear over the months of November and December. I would prefer to watch them beginning in January all the way through like they do at FOX for the show 24. As far as the Neilsen ratings go, how on earth can they be very accurate? I would like to know. I watch a large number of dramas on TV, and most of them I record on my 3 VCR's to watch at my own convience. Last season they cancelled some good entertaining shows way too soon, Kidnapped for one, and they continue to show more and more reality drivel. How many times do you want to watch certain personality types go at each other like junior high children. (I can see that next door with my adult neighbors, whole other twilight zone) Back to the good news, Jericho's second chance at life. Watch this show, you will not be disappointed. It is entertaining while at the same time an intelligent look at 'what if'. If you missed the first season, go online at cbs.com or look at your television listings this summer, they are supposed to show some of the reruns. Thanks to all the viewers of the show that sent the e-mails, phone calls and nuts to CBS.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another successful day at work in the office. I finished the newsletter for the Word by Word Writer's Society and everything is almost ready to pack up and send out to the members. I did a couple of novel critiques, which means I am caught up with my critiques, but I did not manage to send out my chapters this time around. Of course, now that I am back in the saddle of my work horse, I will have a good offering for the next round.

I also received the mystery story in the mail today that I am co-writing with my friend Barb and I can't wait to work on it. She has some great ideas that have sparked ideas from me. I won't get as much time to work on it this weekend as we are getting house guests, but it will be at the top of my pile next week.

I am looking forward to the weekend, Alan's brother and his wife are coming for a visit. We always have a good time visiting with them. It will also be a nice distraction from our daily problems.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Long Time, No Blog

Well I could list numerous excuses for why I have not posted, but what it boils down to is I've been too damn busy dealing with my emotional turmoil that has been my life for the last 15 months. As far as Alan goes on the medical front we never did go back to Geisinger, instead I insisted we be sent to Hershey. In one visit with a urologist at Hershey they discovered a problem that Alan must have had for decades. When he pees, he doesn't empty his bladder. He had no symptoms, but the doc caught it on a simple exam. He is now on Flomax and can feel a difference. The first 7 days after he took Flomax, no pain. Of course that was too good to be true, but at least now 2 months later his pain does not occur every day. The doc seems to think he will get better over time, but we are also seeing a gastro doc and have an appt in July. Hopefully by then we will be able to see if he is going to get better enough to return to work.

My garden is finally started, partially, tomatoes and peppers are in the ground. We are going much smaller this year since I can't count on any help. Alan does what he can when he can, but at least this way I can handle the garden myself if needed. My gardening has been a great source of therapy for me and I am getting better at handling the down side of this medical dilemma.